Torch AI has acquired.

We are Data Centric Services & Solutions.

At The DataTech Group, we understand the importance of successful IT project deployment and its impact on your business' agility, responsiveness, and performance. At the center of our philosophy is “Sustainable Value.” Our focused range of capabilities coupled with our emphasis on providing IT solutions with your users in mind sets us apart in achieving a high rate of project successes.

Technologies change. Organizations change. Information changes. The need to make informed decisions does not change. With success deploying multi-billion row active data warehouses and focused data marts, DataTech has public and private sector expertise that your organization needs. DataTech effectively extracts and transforms our clients' raw data into cleansed information which is loaded into the best-in-class data warehouse platform for each unique enterprise requirement. DataTech then complements its core offering by providing focused capabilities in Enterprise Architecture, Information Security, and a broad range of expert IT consulting services.

DataTech Services:

  • Data Warehouse & Decision support systems
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Informaiton Security & Informaiton Assurance
  • Premiere IT Consulting

DataTech has helped DISA improve.

DISA’s customer billing process was complex, fragmented, and multi-disciplined. There were insufficient reports generated by the system to provide metrics needed to analyze the process and identify areas for improvement. There remained a lack of adequate visibility into billing data for both internal and external customers to accurately project costs and revenues for program management, financial reporting, rate development, budget development and execution purposes.

DataTech’s solution improved the system’s timeliness, accuracy, and clarity of billing information. This system's popularity has grown and is now widely used among many government agencies across the globe which include the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Aviation Agency (FAA). Now, in its 20th year of Full Operational Capability, DataTech is continuing to deliver on its core philosophy of Sustainable Value to all of its customers.